Powell, N. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2024). Creative Insubordination as agentic strategy: A Black woman STEM professor navigating teaching in the academy. 2024 AERA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Penn.
Nieminen, J. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2024). In search of a community: a story of a postdoctoral fellow navigating the spaces of (non-)belonging. In A. Tam & M. Aarnikoivu (Eds.) Building Communities in Academia.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., DiVito, A., Mamolo, A., Lovric, M., Bradbury, J., & Hynes, K. (2023). Inclusive and experiential pedagogies for undergraduate mathematics and computer science.
DiVito, A. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Mathematical modelling and coding of social justice Issues: supporting stem identity. 46th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Haifa, Israel.
Hughes, J., Scott, H., Morrison, L., Kostopoulous, D., & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Chilly Climate 2.0 Women’s Experiences of Harassment and Discrimination in Canada Higher Education. Canadian Journal of Education.
Elkington, R. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Emerging Issues in Higher Educational Leadership in Liminal COVID-19 Contexts. ILA 25th Global Conference. Victoria, BC.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Hynes, K. (2022). A Feminist Ethics of Care within Counterspaces: Supporting inclusion in postsecondary ICT education. Technology & Society 41(4), 44-53.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Hynes, K., & Mamolo, A. (2022). A case study of a female pre-service teacher learning to code for mathematics teaching: Analysing emotions and attitudes through a gender lens. In (Eds.) I. Sahin, et al., Internationalization of STEM Education. International Society for Technology, Education and Science.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Powell, N. & Leggett-Robinson, P. (2022). Inclusion is much more than access: STEM capital and agentic strategies. In Proceedings of IEEEISTAS22, Hong Kong.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Hynes, K., Habibi, S., Cardoza, S., & Muchmaker, J. (2021). Towards a community of care: Counterspaces for women in sTem education. IEEEISTAS21, Waterloo, Ontario.
Hudson, L., Mahendrarajah, S., Walton, M., Pascaris, M., Melim, S., & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2020). Leadership in education during COVID-19: Learning and growing through a crisis. Journal of Digital Life and Learning.
Chorney, S., Noble, T., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Setati Phakeng, M. (2016). Sharing space with the other to discuss mathematics education and social justice. For the Learning of Mathematics, 36 (3), 46-51
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & *DiPlacedo, C. (2024). Understanding inclusion and inclusive practice for learners experiencing mathematics difficulties. The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME), Sydney, Australia.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Nieminen, J. (accepted). A story of a learner experiencing mathematics difficulty and the powerful tool that made her growth visible. For the Learning of Mathematics.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & LeBlanc, M. (2024). Evolving borders to create spaces of belonging in mathematics/ Transformer les frontières pour créer des espaces d’appartenance en mathématiques. Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group. Regina, Saskatchewan.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Husband, M. (2023). Teacher change and inclusive interventions for learners with mathematics difficulties. 46th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Haifa, Israel.
Hamukwaya, S.T. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Believing in your own abilities: What Namibian high school students experiencing mathematical difficulties can teach us. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 22, 739-757.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., & Jacobs, B (2022). Considerations of Equity: At the nexus between mathematics and special education. In Xin, Y.P., Tzur, R., & Thouless, H. (Eds.) Enabling mathematics learning of struggling students. (pp.3-18). Springer.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Husband, M. & *Hynes, K. (2022). Designing for awareness: Early years educators coming to terms with their mathematical power. 45th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Alicante, Spain.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2022). In-the-moment narratives: Interventions with learners experiencing mathematics difficulties. 16th Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project, Cambridge, UK.
Mamolo, A. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2020). Subjective Probability in Pre-service Teacher Education: KDUs & COVID-19. 4th North East Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) Conference.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2020). A Wonder-Full task leads to a Wonder-Full intervention. Mathematics Teacher Teaching and Learning Pre-K-12. Online video clip content created to supplement the article:
Hamukwaya, S.T. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2019) “It is so hard and difficult, it makes me fail”: Voices of Namibian high school students who experience difficulty learning mathematics. 43rd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Pretoria, South Africa.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2018). Revisiting and growing prior knowings for learners experiencing mathematics difficulties. 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Umea, Sweden.
Thouless, H., & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2018). Mathematics and special education. PME Newsletter, December 2018.
Thouless, H. R., Owens, K., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Tzur, R. & Xin, Y.P. (2018). Maths and Special Education Working Group. 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Umea, Sweden
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Mamolo, A. (2016) Exploring tensions: Leanne’s story of supporting pre-service mathematics teachers with learning disabilities. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N.E. Infante, M. Wawro & S. Brown (Eds). Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mamolo, A., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Whiteley, W. (2015). Developing a network of and for geometric reasoning. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(3), 483-496.
Mamolo, A., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Whiteley, W. (2015). Conceptualizing the notion of a task network. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Infante, K. Keene, and M. Zandieh, (Eds.) Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Mamolo, A. & Whiteley, W. (2014). A spatial-visual approach to optimization and rates change. In Oesterle, S., Nicol, C., Liljedahl, P., & Allan, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36, Vancouver, Canada: PME.
Rana, S. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2024). Critical consciousness in STEM and its impact on identity and agency among racialized learners. The 35th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Muchmaker, J. (2024). Early childhood teacher agency and Creative insubordination through STEAM learning. In W. Yang, S. Kewalramani, & J. Senthil (Eds) STEAM education in the early years: Achieving the sustainable development goals.
Mamolo, A., Tepylo, D., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Rodney, S. (2023). Learning math through coding and learning coding through math: Two sides of the same coin. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Mahendirarajah, S. & Brady, B. (2022). Educating awarenesses in an online reflective practice course: Becoming aware of implicit biases leaps to judgement. In E. Mikulec & T. Ramalho (Eds.) Enacting Critical Pedagogy Online. (pp.263-280) J.P. Lang.
Mamolo, Yan, K., A., Lovric, M., Glynn-Addey, P., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., & Bohun, S. (2022). Teaching with technology in undergraduate mathematics. Ecampus/Ontario Tech University. • 1 course, 4 course modules
Ruttenberg-Rozen, & Eamer, A. (2022). Equity, diversity and inclusion online. In, R. H. Kay, & W. J. Hunter (Eds.), Thriving online: A guide for busy educators (pp. 80-89). Ontario Tech University. https://doi.org/10.51357/GANX1392
Petrarca, D., Van Nuland, S., Laffier, J. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2022). Ontario Tech University’s Bachelor of Education program- A continuous state of learning. In J. Kitchen, & D. Petrarca, (Eds.). Initial teacher education in Ontario: The four-semester teacher education programs after five years. Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
Kay, R. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2019). Examining the Creation of Video Podcasts to Improve the Quality oF Mathematical Explanations for Pre-Service Teachers. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia Innovate Learning (pp. 1337-1341). Amsterdam, Netherlands: AACE
Kay, R.H. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2019). An analysis of how elementary school pre-service teachers learn to use technology. EduLearn 19. Palma, Spain.