Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., DiVito, A., Mamolo, A., Lovric, M., Bradbury, J., & Hynes, K. (2023). Inclusive and experiential pedagogies for undergraduate mathematics and computer science. • 1 course, 2 modules •
DiVito, A. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Mathematical modelling and coding of social justice Issues: supporting stem identity. 46th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Haifa, Israel.
Hughes, J., Scott, H., Morrison, L., Kostopoulous, D., & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Chilly Climate 2.0 Women’s Experiences of Harassment and Discrimination in Canada Higher Education. Canadian Journal of Education.
Elkington, R. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Emerging Issues in Higher Educational Leadership in Liminal COVID-19 Contexts. ILA 25th Global Conference. Victoria, BC.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Hynes, K. (2022). A Feminist Ethics of Care within Counterspaces: Supporting inclusion in postsecondary ICT education. Technology & Society 41(4), 44-53.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Hynes, K., & Mamolo, A. (2022). A case study of a female pre-service teacher learning to code for mathematics teaching: Analysing emotions and attitudes through a gender lens. In (Eds.) I. Sahin, et al., Internationalization of STEM Education. International Society for Technology, Education and Science.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Powell, N. & Leggett-Robinson, P. (2022). Inclusion is much more than access: STEM capital and agentic strategies. In Proceedings of IEEEISTAS22, Hong Kong.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Hynes, K., Habibi, S., Cardoza, S., & Muchmaker, J. (2021). Towards a community of care: Counterspaces for women in sTem education. IEEEISTAS21, Waterloo, Ontario.
Hudson, L., Mahendrarajah, S., Walton, M., Pascaris, M., Melim, S., & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2020). Leadership in education during COVID-19: Learning and growing through a crisis. Journal of Digital Life and Learning.
Chorney, S., Noble, T., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Setati Phakeng, M. (2016). Sharing space with the other to discuss mathematics education and social justice. For the Learning of Mathematics, 36 (3), 46-51
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Husband, M. (2023). Teacher change and inclusive interventions for learners with mathematics difficulties. 46th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Haifa, Israel.
Hamukwaya, S.T. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Believing in your own abilities: What Namibian high school students experiencing mathematical difficulties can teach us. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 22, 739-757.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., & Jacobs, B (2022). Considerations of Equity: At the nexus between mathematics and special education. In Xin, Y.P., Tzur, R., & Thouless, H. (Eds.) Enabling mathematics learning of struggling students. (pp.3-18). Springer.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Husband, M. & *Hynes, K. (2022). Designing for awareness: Early years educators coming to terms with their mathematical power. 45th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Alicante, Spain.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2022). In-the-moment narratives: Interventions with learners experiencing mathematics difficulties. 16th Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project, Cambridge, UK.
Mamolo, A. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2020). Subjective Probability in Pre-service Teacher Education: KDUs & COVID-19. 4th North East Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) Conference.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2020). A Wonder-Full task leads to a Wonder-Full intervention. Mathematics Teacher Teaching and Learning Pre-K-12. Online video clip content created to supplement the article:
Hamukwaya, S.T. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2019) “It is so hard and difficult, it makes me fail”: Voices of Namibian high school students who experience difficulty learning mathematics. 43rd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Pretoria, South Africa.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2018). Revisiting and growing prior knowings for learners experiencing mathematics difficulties. 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Umea, Sweden.
Thouless, H., & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2018). Mathematics and special education. PME Newsletter, December 2018.
Thouless, H. R., Owens, K., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Tzur, R. & Xin, Y.P. (2018). Maths and Special Education Working Group. 42nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Umea, Sweden
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Mamolo, A. (2016) Exploring tensions: Leanne’s story of supporting pre-service mathematics teachers with learning disabilities. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N.E. Infante, M. Wawro & S. Brown (Eds). Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Mamolo, A., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Whiteley, W. (2015). Developing a network of and for geometric reasoning. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(3), 483-496.
Mamolo, A., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Whiteley, W. (2015). Conceptualizing the notion of a task network. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Infante, K. Keene, and M. Zandieh, (Eds.) Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Mamolo, A. & Whiteley, W. (2014). A spatial-visual approach to optimization and rates change. In Oesterle, S., Nicol, C., Liljedahl, P., & Allan, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36, Vancouver, Canada: PME.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Muchmaker, J. (Accepted). Early childhood teacher agency and Creative insubordination through STEAM learning. In W. Yang, S. Kewalramani, & J. Senthil (Eds) STEAM education in the early years: Achieving the sustainable development goals.
Mamolo, A., Tepylo, D., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Rodney, S. (2023). Learning math through coding and learning coding through math: Two sides of the same coin. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.
Van Nuland, S., Flores, M., Cordatt Gentles, C., Donitsa, S., & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2023). Experienced Changes in Teacher Education. Journal of Education for Teaching.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., Mahendirarajah, S. & Brady, B. (2022). Educating awarenesses in an online reflective practice course: Becoming aware of implicit biases leaps to judgement. In E. Mikulec & T. Ramalho (Eds.) Enacting Critical Pedagogy Online. (pp.263-280) J.P. Lang.
Mamolo, Yan, K., A., Lovric, M., Glynn-Addey, P., Ruttenberg-Rozen, R., & Bohun, S. (2022). Teaching with technology in undergraduate mathematics. Ecampus/Ontario Tech University. • 1 course, 4 course modules
Ruttenberg-Rozen, & Eamer, A. (2022). Equity, diversity and inclusion online. In, R. H. Kay, & W. J. Hunter (Eds.), Thriving online: A guide for busy educators (pp. 80-89). Ontario Tech University.
Petrarca, D., Van Nuland, S., Laffier, J. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2022). Ontario Tech University’s Bachelor of Education program- A continuous state of learning. In J. Kitchen, & D. Petrarca, (Eds.). Initial teacher education in Ontario: The four-semester teacher education programs after five years. Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
Kay, R. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2019). Examining the Creation of Video Podcasts to Improve the Quality oF Mathematical Explanations for Pre-Service Teachers. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia Innovate Learning (pp. 1337-1341). Amsterdam, Netherlands: AACE
Kay, R.H. & Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. (2019). An analysis of how elementary school pre-service teachers learn to use technology. EduLearn 19. Palma, Spain.